Campus News
Feberuary 6, 2017
First United Bank & Trust Recognized as Corporate Sponsor for annual Early Childhood Connections Conference

Sarena Rodeheaver (far right), Vice President & Community Relationship Manager, of First United Bank & Trust, presents Connie Meyers, Director of Business Solutions for Garrett College Continuing Education & Workforce Development, with a check in support of the Early Childhood Connections conference.
"First United has been such a wonderful partner in providing this professional development conference to area early childhood educators and caregivers," stated Connie Meyers, director of business solutions at Garrett College. "Each year, corporate sponsorships provide scholarships to cover attendance fees for participants – we are very appreciative of First United's continuous generosity and support."
This is the third year that First United Bank & Trust has been a corporate sponsor for the annual conference. The mission of First United Bank & Trust is to enrich the lives of customers, coworkers and stakeholders through an unparalleled commitment to the client experience and passionate involvement in the community. For more than a century, My Bank First United has served the financial needs of personal and business customers throughout Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
Now in its fifth year, the Early Childhood Connections is an annual professional development conference, designed to provide local child care providers and early childhood educators with current, specialized training. This year's event is scheduled for Saturday, April 7, 2018 from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at Wisp Resort & Conference Center. While aimed at local and regional educators, this conference is open to anyone who touches the life of a child – including preschool and Head Start instructors, daycare providers, and Board of Education staff. Participants also have the opportunity to choose from various workshops to attend throughout the day.
This collaborative effort is planned and executed by Garrett College, Garrett County Community Action Child & Family Development, Maryland EXCELS, Maryland State Department of Education, APPLES for Children, and Garrett County Early Childhood Professional Association.
Early registration is encouraged. For more information on the upcoming Early Childhood Connections conference, persons may contact Meyers at 301-387-3084 or