Campus News
August 22, 2017
Garrett College Foundation Notes Scholarship Awards
The Garrett College Foundation annually presents scholarships to Garrett College students. Following are the names of scholarship recipients for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Lauryn Moon, a 2017 graduate of Southern High School who resides in Oakland, has been awarded the Helen B. Rostosky Volleyball Scholarship. She is pursuing her associate in arts degree in arts & sciences: mathematics/science.
Hunter Witmer, a current student from Greencastle, Pa., has received the Garrett College Foundation Grant. He is pursuing his associate of applied science degree in natural resources & wildlife technology.
Samantha Michaels, a resident of Accident and a current student, has been awarded the Garrett College Foundation Grant. She is pursuing her associate in arts degree in general studies.
Katelyn Tasker, a 2017 graduate of Southern High School who lives in Deer Park, has received the American Association of University Women Scholarship. She is pursuing her studies in nursing.
Mark Kisamore, a resident of Oakland and a 2017 graduate of Southern High School, has been awarded the Ann Dilgard Scholarship and the Dr. Bruce Jenkins Memorial Fund. He is pursuing his associate of science in engineering degree in electrical engineering.
Jawad Hester, a current student who resides in Washington, DC, has received the Garrett College Foundation Grant. He is pursuing his associate of applied science degree in business & information technology: graphic/web design.
Tyler Bowers, a current student who lives in Swanton, has been awarded the Amy Mildred Sharpless Scholarship.. He is pursuing his associate of applied science degree in natural resources & wildlife technology.
Taylor Bolyard, a resident of Oakland and a 2017 graduate of Southern High School, has received the Edward & Hazel Hinebaugh Scholarship. She is pursuing her associate in arts degree in business administration.
Sydney Friend, a 2017 graduate of Southern High School who lives in Oakland, has been awarded the Civic Club of Oakland: Helen Baumgartner Memorial Scholarship. She is pursuing her associate of arts in teaching degree in elementary education/special education.
Levi Cameron, a resident of Grantsville and current student, has received the Garrett College Foundation Grant. He is pursuing his associate of applied science degree in natural resources & wildlife technology.
For more information on the Garrett College Foundation, contact the Foundation office at 301-387-3131.