Campus News
August 17th, 2018
Garrett College partners with the ALICE Training Institute to bring Active Shooter Training to Garrett County
Garrett College and the ALICE Training Institute have teamed up to bring ALICE Training Instructor Certification to Garrett County on October 16th and 17th from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. The course will be held at the Garrett College Career Technology Training Center in Accident, Md.
This two-day instructor course is designed to teach proactive survival strategies for violent intruder or active shooter incidents. The goal of the ALICE program is to provide individuals with survival-enhancing options for those critical moments in the gap between when a violent situation begins and when law enforcement arrives on scene.
ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate and is a useful strategy for everyone: law enforcement, schools, universities, hospitals, businesses, and places of worship. Completing the ALICE Training Instructor Certification course provides individuals with certification in ALICE and allows them the opportunity to bring the strategies back to their places of work. Additionally, registrants will gain access to exclusive ALICE resources.
ALICE is in line with recommendations from Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Emergency Management Agency, White House, Department of Education, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and some Federal and State agencies.
ALICE training is the original options-based response program that was designed to replace an inadequate secure-in-place mandated response plan. ALICE addresses the fallacies of a one-size-fits-all response plan by explaining the truths and realities of Violent Intruder events. The reality is that extremely tragic outcomes in these events can be mitigated. They are very much survivable.
Through training and empowerment, citizens can apply the ALICE strategies and improve survival chances in any environment where they may find themselves confronted by an active shooter or violent intruder. ALICE strategies are now also mirrored and recommended by many Federal and State official guidelines.
The registration fee for the training is $595 per person and can be completed online at For additional information on the upcoming ALICE training session to be held at Garrett College, persons may contact Shelley Menear, Coordinator of Safety, Security, and Compliance at Garrett College, 301-387-3037 or