Campus News
June 5, 2018
I Can Swim! – Route 40 Elementary School
Ms. Nicklin's kindergarten class from Route 40 Elementary School attended the I Can Swim program classes at the Garrett College Community Aquatic and Recreation Complex.
Proud program completers displayed their certificates. In the photo, pictured standing in the back row, left to right are: Ethan Dunn, Isaac Broadwater, Raylan Puckett, Brystol Marsh, Gwen Kostovick, Caroline Ruff, Aiden Broadwater, Ben Kamp. Middle row: Devin Spiker, Grayson Ganoe, Ryley Durst, Zoey Ritchie, Grace Beeman, Danica Arnold, Jeffrey Sheffield. Front row, sitting: Ty Meyer, Joselyn Turner, Makenna Paul, Colten Dawson.

Through a partnership with Garrett College, the Garrett College Community Aquatic & Recreation Complex, the Garrett County Board of Education, the Board of County Commissioners, and the Garrett College Foundation, the I Can Swim! Program has successfully served more than 1,900 children since 2011.
The program, which is free for all children, costs more than $125.00 per child for the week-long water safety sessions, and has grown to include opportunities for Garrett County sixth grade students, along with the fifth grade College & Me participants.
For more information about the I Can Swim! program, persons may contact the Garrett College Foundation at 301-387-3086.