Campus News
April 25th, 2023
Beitzel named to All-State Academic Team
Garrett College student's achievements recognized by MACC, PTK

Photo by John Rudd
Garrett College student Ashley Beitzel, second from left, has been selected for the PTK All-State Academic Team. Also pictured, left to right, are Garrett College PTK Advisor Stephanie Miller, President Dr. Richard Midcap, and Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Ryan Harrod. Karley Beitzel, Ashley’s daughter, is pictured in front.
Grantsville resident Ashley Beitzel, scheduled to graduate in May from Garrett College, has been named to the All-State Academic Team. The community college recognition program is jointly offered through the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, the Maryland Association of Community Colleges, and the Coca Cola Scholars Foundation.
Beitzel – the mother of two with a third expected in May – appreciates the recognition.
"I think it's really nice," said Beitzel, who is a social and behavioral science major. "I put a lot of time and effort into getting this award."
"Students receiving this honor are part of a very select group," said Dr. Richard Midcap, Garrett College's president. "We're very proud of Ashley for how well she has represented Garrett College."
Beitzel, a Northern Garrett High graduate, said Garrett College's flexibility has been one key to her success.
"The online courses offered here are really awesome and the professors are very accommodating to my schedule," said Beitzel, who plans to become a child welfare social worker. "The faculty are very helpful and understanding."
Stephanie Miller, Garrett College's PTK advisor, said Beitzel's accomplishments should inspire other students.
"Ashley is a very dedicated student and public relations officer for PTK," said Miller. "She has found a successful balance between her school and personal life, which has led to her academic accomplishments."