Campus News
March 6, 2018
Creative Writing Workshop: Poems and Stories to be offered in Grantsville
Garrett College Continuing Education and Workforce Development has scheduled a Creative Writing Workshop: Poems and Stories in Three Sessions. The course will be held on Mondays, March 12 - 26, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Northern Outreach Center in Grantsville.
This continuing education course provides instruction on developing creative writing skills. Topics include the problems and promises of writing narrative fiction and poems, complexities of creative writing as a craft and an art explored through analysis of representative works, study of the techniques appropriate for stories and poems, and brief practice in creating work and reading that work to an audience.
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to: create narrative fiction and poems with confidence, analyze representative works of fiction and poetry, utilize techniques of a variety of literary forms, discuss creative writing as a craft and an art and explore avenues for publication of work.
The course is being instructed by our very own, Jack DuBose is a poet who has taught writing to students at Garrett College since 1986. He loves poetry, storytelling and reading aloud.
For additional information contact, Terry Beachy, Northern Outreach Center Coordinator, at 301-895-4700 or To register, contact Continuing Education and Workforce Development at 301-387-3069.