Campus News
October 2, 2017
Garrett Partners with SHA on Pedestrian Safety
Garrett College has partnered with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) to combine efforts on the importance of pedestrian safety amongst the College community. The SHA recently collaborated with Ocean City and College Park on a pedestrian safety campaign.
Pedestrian safety is an issue that affects the entire community; young and old, drivers and walkers, in the day and at night. Many unnecessary injuries and fatalities occur as a result of either the driver or the pedestrian. The SHA contacted Garrett College to discuss how they could assist with particular challenges that the College faces. They also reached out to Cecil College.
"Garrett is a unique institution that has many offerings but our location can present a challenge when it comes to accessing other community resources,” stated Shelley Menear, Coordinator of Safety, Security and Compliance at Garrett College. “We are aware of potential safety concerns for both pedestrians and drivers and are diligently working with a variety of community and state partners to not only promote safe practices, but to also develop new means for transportation to and from campus."
In collaborating with the SHA, staff members at Garrett College developed two pedestrian safety campaigns to raise awareness of the issue. Both safety campaigns were implemented at the start of this fall semester. The first campaign, ‘Look up, Look out’, targets drivers. When driving on Mosser and Bumble Bee Road, individuals are encouraged to do the following: slow down and observe posted speed limits, always stop for pedestrians, stay alert and keep his or her eyes on the road.
‘Walk Smart’ is the second safety campaign that focuses solely on pedestrians and actions one can take to make the roads a safer environment for those traveling by foot. Safety tips for pedestrians that are shared amongst Garrett College students are: walk single file, walk facing traffic, remove earbuds, stay visible and wear bright and/or reflective clothing,
Garrett College has taken many initiatives to further reinforce the importance of pedestrian safety among students. In addition to the SHA partnership, other valuable measures have been established to inform students and the College community on this issue. Pedestrian safety is discussed at new student orientation (which became mandatory this fall), residence hall meetings, and at the fall Welcome Fair, where reflective wrist bands were handed out and issued to students.
Campaign flyers are posted throughout the College, including both residence halls on campus. Garrett’s Safety and Security department also shares information regularly about pedestrian safety through social media. Other efforts include regular emails and updates throughout the semester and student outreach when negative pedestrian behavior is occurring – Safety and Security staff stop and directly speak with students about proper procedures when walking along the road.
For more information on pedestrian safety efforts underway at Garrett College, persons may contact Shelley Menear at 301-387-3037 or