News Garrett College Students To Visit United Kingdom - Garrett College
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June 4th, 2024

Garrett College students to visit United Kingdom

study abroad

Garrett College students will be taking part in a study abroad experience in the United Kingdom June 17-29 that includes stops in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England. The Garrett College Foundation, via the Naylor Travel Grant Fund, is assisting with financial support. Pictured, left to right, are: (back row) Garrett College Foundation representative Janet Kepple, Garrett College Dean of Academic Affairs Christa Bowser, study abroad participants Josh Brobst and Bryce Richter, Garrett College President Dr. Richard Midcap, (front row) study abroad participants Mary Hanna Clodfelter and Joslena Layton, and Carla Zeigler, who is GC’s study abroad director as well as coordinator of distance learning and instructional design. Garrett College is already planning its 2025 study abroad trip to Greece and Italy.