Student Spotlights - Garrett College
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Your Journey Begins Here

Our Students and Alumni Pursue Incredible Journeys

All of our students have a unique story to tell. Many start out at Garrett College with plans to transfer to a four-year college or university. A large percentage of our students are the first in their family to attend college. Others seek to advance their career by learning a new skill.

These stories represent journeys of overcoming personal challenges, defining and achieving success, and discovering true passions.

Our Students

Major: Business Administration

Hometown: Oakland, MD

Question: Why did you choose Garrett College?
Answer: I knew from the start I wanted to be close to home when attending college. Garrett College had the program I wanted to take and it is very affordable for me to attend.

Question: Did COVID-19 impact your college decisions at all? If so, how?
Answer: A lot of colleges were moving courses online. Garrett College, still offered multiple in-person courses and some online courses as well, which made a positive influence on choosing Garrett.

Question: How is your semester going so far?
Answer: My professors are doing as much as they can to engage with their students and make sure their students fully understand the content being presented. All of my teachers have gone above and beyond teaching during these trying times.

Question: What activities are you involved with on campus? How has this added to your college experience?
Answer: On campus, I am involved in SGA, the Student Government Association. I filled out an application at the beginning of the school year and became President. Joining this program has had a positive impact on my college experience. I have met with many other students and have been able to actively engage in student life at Garrett College.

Question: How has attending GC worked to your advantage?
Answer: Garrett College worked to my advantage during these challenging times. Garrett College offered the program I wanted to take as well as a great transfer program as well. Garrett was both local and affordable which are key factors to myself when attending College. Garrett Colleges' staff has been more than helpful during these when it may seem difficult when attending college. Garrett offers many resources to help students succeed in their academic life.

Question: How have Garrett College support services, faculty or staff supported you?
Answer: Garrett College support services, faculty, and staff have all gone above and beyond in accommodating all of my needs and questions as a first-year college student.

Question: What advice do you have for a new GC student or someone on the fence about attending college?
Answer: Some advice I have for new students attending GC is to use all of the available resources. GC offers many students resources to help you succeed, take advantage of them! For someone who is on the fence about attending college, Garrett College is a great place to explore your options. Garrett College is affordable and offers many programs that transfer well to other colleges and universities if you plan on furthering your education after college.

Question: What are your plans after GC?
Answer: After GC I plan on transferring to Frostburg. GC offers a Business Administration program that is transferred directly into Frostburg. Also, many scholarships are offered when transferring! I plan to further my education in Business Administration and take on a Political Science minor as well. Thanks to the resources at Garrett my transferring process will go very smoothly.

Garrett College Students and Alumni Share Their Stories