Student Spotlights - Garrett College
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Your Journey Begins Here

Our Students and Alumni Pursue Incredible Journeys

All of our students have a unique story to tell. Many start out at Garrett College with plans to transfer to a four-year college or university. A large percentage of our students are the first in their family to attend college. Others seek to advance their career by learning a new skill.

These stories represent journeys of overcoming personal challenges, defining and achieving success, and discovering true passions.

Our Students

Major: General Studies

Hometown: Terra Alta, WV

Question: Why did you choose Garrett College?
Answer: I came to GC to further my career and continue to play basketball. I am from nearby Preston County, WV and I enjoy hunting, fishing, hanging out with family and friends, playing basketball, and going jeeping on the weekends.

Question: What advice do you have for a new student or someone on the fence about attending college?
Answer: Always ask questions it shows you're interested in what you are learning and helps the teacher know what you don't and do understand.

Question: How have Garrett College support services, faculty or staff supported you?
Answer: Anything that you have questions about or need help with, you can always contact any staff member at GC to help you.

Garrett College Students and Alumni Share Their Stories