Student Spotlights - Garrett College
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Your Journey Begins Here

Our Students and Alumni Pursue Incredible Journeys

All of our students have a unique story to tell. Many start out at Garrett College with plans to transfer to a four-year college or university. A large percentage of our students are the first in their family to attend college. Others seek to advance their career by learning a new skill.

These stories represent journeys of overcoming personal challenges, defining and achieving success, and discovering true passions.

Our Students

Major: Secondary Education

Hometown: Oakland, MD

Question: Why did you choose Garrett College?
Answer: As a resident of Garrett County, I decided to stay close to home for the first two years and pursue my first degree from Garrett College.

Question: How is your semester going so far?
Answer: My semester is going really well. Since Garrett is a smaller school you develop great relationships with instructors which makes the classes so much more fun and enjoyable. This also provides a way to make friends much easier than at larger schools.

Question: What activities are you involved with on campus? How has this added to your college experience?
Answer: I am currently in the work study program at Garrett College as a peer tutor. It has helped me build relationships with other students and professors that I work with or tutor. It has also given me a great option to work on campus which is a much more efficient and safe way to work.

Question: COVID-19 has changed our lives dramatically. How have you adapted to the current environment?
Answer: The main adaptation I believe I’ve had to go through is changing to a strictly online lifestyle. I am usually a visual learner which is making online learning much more difficult as it is more challenging to show models, or drawings from a Zoom or Teams call.

Question: What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them?
Answer: Since I am majoring in Secondary Education I will have to take classes in pretty much every subject to prepare me to become a successful teacher, even if my focus is history. I struggle with mathematics and science but through the fantastic teaching and instruction from the professors I was able to do much better than before.

Question: How have Garrett College support services, faculty or staff supported you?
Answer: Since the school is smaller it is much more efficient to get help from staff whether that be through a text, call, email, or meeting. The staff also wants to see you succeed so when they feel like you aren’t doing the best you can they will be the first ones to motivate you to do better.

Question: What are your plans after GC?
Answer: My main goal is to be a transfer student to a four-year institution to get my bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education. I plan on furthering my education at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA or Towson University in Towson, MD.

Garrett College Students and Alumni Share Their Stories