Student Spotlights - Garrett College
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Your Journey Begins Here

Our Students and Alumni Pursue Incredible Journeys

All of our students have a unique story to tell. Many start out at Garrett College with plans to transfer to a four-year college or university. A large percentage of our students are the first in their family to attend college. Others seek to advance their career by learning a new skill.

These stories represent journeys of overcoming personal challenges, defining and achieving success, and discovering true passions.

Our Students

Major: Business Administration

Hometown: Dominican Republic

Question: Why did you choose Garrett College?
Answer: I chose Garrett College because they have a good program in the educational and sports system. I have the vision that Garrett College can help me become a better person and an athlete.

Question: What activities are you involved with on campus? How has this added to your college experience?
Answer: I am participating in the basketball team. Being a student-athlete has helped me a lot.

Question: What challenges have you faced?
Answer: Adapting to another country is totally different for me - it was more than a challenge, but more so with COVID-19.

Question: How has attending GC worked to your advantage?
Answer: Garett College has provided me with all the resources that I need and will need for the future and to have my diploma.

Question: What are your plans after GC?
Answer: After Garrett College and getting my diploma, I would like to work in the area that I specialize in. I would like to be an international businessman.

Garrett College Students and Alumni Share Their Stories